I'm working as professional studio musician and have my
own studio with huge collection of ethnic and traditional instruments.
If you need to enrich your CD or film music production with an advanced
solo on one of my instruments, please contact
If you need an advanced arrangement, sampling work, soundscapes,
ambient textures or professional mixing for your soundtracks, just drop
me a line.
You can listen and see examples of my work below and on
my albums page
Working process can be done through the internet by exchange
audio files but I can work in your own studio as well, I like to meet
new interesting people.
To watch the videos on this page you need Macromedia Flash
Player 8 or later installed.

Vladiswar possesses a big collection of musical instruments
(more than 150) of the world.
He plays professionally on a big range of musical instruments
(acoustic and electric guitars, fretless bass, sitar, mandola, chanzy,
jew's harps, ethnopercussion (darabuka, djembe, kalangu, udu, frame drums);
winds (bansuri, kena, kalyuka, zhaleyka, gayda) etc. Besides he has created
some experimental musical instruments: dzuddahord, pruzhingum, plastrimbaphon,
rablorrum, ghostcatcher, pin-sansa, spring-pivot-gamelan, banbang (preparated
beer- and coffee-tins) etc.
Here you can listen to the sounds
of these instruments. There are samples from different studio works and
live performances of Vladiswar Nadishana.